"Proton and Perodua have been carrying out a three-year campaign, from 2009 until Dec 31, to install free third rear seat belts for their make of vehicles, but sadly people are still lax about the matter," he said after launching a Road Safety Campaign at the International Islamic University (IIU) here. Leslie was commenting on the reported statement by Proton and Perodua that claimed that the numbers coming in for the free fitting were still low. Proton reported that only 17.68 percent of its vehicle owners have fitted out the seat belts, while Perodua has recorded 43 percent so far. 6 simple steps to install rear seat belts
后座乘客未系安全带 2012年1月1日报起罚款RM300
- 如果有关车厂发现有关车子(尤其旧的KANCIL和KENARI)无法安装后座安全带,工作人员会贴上REAR SEAT BELT EXEMPTED的标语牌,就代表不用安装后座安全带也可以放心上路 “人民必须重视后座乘客的安危,时刻提醒后座乘客系上安全带,因此,为了顾及前后座司机和乘客安危,当局将会施行后座乘客系上安全带条例,并且严厉执法以达到全民守法之目的。” 他指出,展开检举行动目的在于提醒驾驶者于路上小心驾驶及遵守交通规则,同时协助降低意外发生率或公路意外致死率。 他不排除往后会继续联合各执法单位展开路检行动,通过联合行动,能够针对不同的违规问题一网打尽,籍此提高道路使用者的公路安全意识。 6个简单步骤安装后座安全带- 车主其实可以通过致电预约,无需前往服务中心登记。 - 安装时必须得携带注册车卡。 - 车主需缴付一定的人工费(十余令吉不等)。 - 若车主无法在预定的时间内抵达,迟到15至30分钟后算自动弃权。 - 安装时间约30至60分钟(依据各别情况而定)。 | . |
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Sunday, January 1, 2012
Malaysia Latest Summon News:Owners Of Vehicles Without Third Rear Seat Belt: Fines RM300 车后座乘客没绑安全带:罚三百令吉
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